Thursday, July 24, 2008

Blog Setup

The scope and purpose of this blog is to document meteorological issues in various pursuits I undertake. Much of what I do in various aspects of my life are influenced directly or indirectly by dynamics of the earth's atmosphere, not the least of which is breathing. In vocational, avocational and in recreational pursuits, meteorological dynamics determines the limits and is sometimes the driving force that determines the success and enjoyment of my endeavors. Beyond that, there are metaphores for life that become apparent in met phenomena that gives me in depth understanding of more than just the subject at hand. We are creatures of the air, although most of us spend most of it in the lower 2 meters and appear to be attached to the ground. What happens in the "upper air", however, is crucial to life itself. So, the title of the blog "Living in the Earths' Atmosphere: Recreational Meteorology".
My passion for meteorology is spurred largely because I love to soar. It is fundamental to the sport, but also, soaring aircraft are in turn powerful tools for understanding the dynamics of the atmosphere. So, much of this blog is geared toward soaring experiences that utilize special meteorological conditions, but not limited to that. The blog will go where my mind map takes me, since, like metaphores, there is often overlap with other arenas.